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AEW Dynamite Results for January 13, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! It’s AEW DYNAMITE from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, home of the Jags!” said Jim Ross.

“It’s New Year’s Smash Night Two,” added Tony Schiavone.

Kicking things off tonight—“Mad King” Eddie Kingston (accompanied by The Butcher, The Blade, & The Bunny) vs. “The Bastard” PAC (with Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo)!

“He’s obnoxious but he’s old school throwback. He’s a brawler. He comes to fight you,” said Jim Ross of Eddie Kingston.

PAC entered the ring and immediately took the fight to Kingston, blasting him with a shotgun dropkick! PAC followed up, flipping over the top rope, crashing down onto Kingston and then landing on his feet!

“Now that he’s back with the Lucha Bros. and Death Triangle, we could be seeing the best of PAC yet,” noted Excalibur.

PAC showed eight months’ worth of pent up aggression, battering Kingston with multiple pump kicks. Eddie, on his knees, slapped at PAC’s leg. PAC answered with a knee to Kingston’s face.

“Usually Eddie Kingston is the aggressor but this has been all PAC, since before the bell,” said Excalibur.

Kingston returned fire with a jumping knee to the back of PAC’s head. Kingston pushed PAC out of the ring with his boot, strategically placing him in proximity of The Bunny on the arena floor. She dug her nails into the eyes of PAC! Kingston went to the outside of the ring and planted PAC with a shoulder capture suplex. Back in the ring, Kingston used a neck breaker, but PAC kicked out at one! Kingston tortured “The Bastard” with knife edged chops. PAC rallied back with forearms to Kingston, and then a very stiff belly to back suplex! Kingston caught PAC by surprise with a backfist and followed up with a backdrop driver for a near fall.

Kingston climbed to the top rope but PAC dazed him with a swift kick to the head! PAC superplexed Kingston down to the canvas for a near fall!

“Man, Kingston really hurt his lower back there. You can tell by how his expression changed so drastically,” said Jim Ross.

“Could be his back, could be his tailbone even,” replied Excalibur.

PAC continued his assault with kicks to Kingston’s chest, followed by a European uppercut.

“That’s some brutal artistry right there. That uppercut found a mark,” said Jim Ross.

Kingston did a head and shoulder fake, popping up and using a lariat on PAC! Kingston attempted a DDT but PAC held on to the top rope, forcing Kingston to collide with the mat. PAC quickly climbed to the top and used his Black Arrow to pin Eddie Kingston! After the match, PAC applied the Brutalizer submission!

“He’s going after that shoulder of Kingston,” said Excalibur.

The Butcher and The Blade jumped in the ring and squared off with PAC, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero Miedo! “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer stormed to the ring with Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and Kingston, Butcher, and Blade retreated! Archer turned around and pointed at PAC and told him he’d better get on the same page.

“It seems like this uneasy alliance between Archer and PAC may be at its end,” observed Excalibur.

Up next: “The Kentucky Gentleman” Chuck Taylor (with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy) vs. “The Best Man” Miro (with Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford)!

Miro injured Chuck Taylor’s tag partner Trent three weeks ago on DYNAMITE, forcing him out for four to six months with a torn pec.

“Miro is undefeated since arriving in AEW late last year,” said Excalibur.

Chuck charged in with a flurry of kicks and punches to Miro—who showed no respect for his opponent by turning his back. Chuck sent Miro to the outside with a clothesline.

“Obviously Chuck wants revenge for what happened to his best friend, but also doesn’t want to end up as Miro’s butler. Stipulations or not, Chuck Taylor is fired up tonight,” said Excalibur, as Chuck rammed Miro into the outside wall. Chuck followed up with a tope con giro!

“Miro is in a lot more trouble than I think any of us expected,” said Excalibur.

Miro charged at Chuck but Chuck dodged him, sending “The Best Man” crashing into the steel ring post! He followed up with a diving foot stomp on the chest of Miro. Kip Sabian nailed an unsuspecting Orange Cassidy on the outside, but Chuck saw it and blasted Kip with a mule kick to the face. Miro charged Chuck but Chuck countered with a knee strike to Miro’s jaw. Chuck went after Miro again but Miro caught Chuck with an emphatic Samoan drop! Miro pounded Chuck with rights and lefts and over hand hooks! Miro splashed Chuck in the corner and then hit him with a massive leg lariat.

“The eyes of Miro will tell you everything. The eyes of an assassin, not an errand boy,” said Jim Ross.

Miro wiped out Chuck with a thrust kick to the head! Miro locked in the Game Over submission and forced Chuck Taylor to tap out!

“Now Chuck Taylor has to be Miro’s butler,” said Excalibur.

Dasha was backstage with Matt Hardy and Private Party—Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy.

“Now that Private Party has officially joined the Matt Hardy brand, things are great,” said Hardy.

Marq Quen took issue, though, with Hardy taking 30% of Private Party’s money as part of the deal.

“You didn’t read the fine print and that’s a tough lesson you’ll have to learn. Yes, that was your fault,” said Hardy.

Marq Quen called Hardy a “money-grabbing carnie.”

“The disrespect! You were nobody before me! I am the only person here in AEW who cares about you two. Nobody cares! The sooner you get that through your thick skulls the better you’ll be. So what you’re going to do is shut up and listen to me and do exactly what I say!” yelled Hardy.

“Demo God” Chris Jericho & MJF came to the ring with Inner Circle with their resolutions for 2021!

“2020 was big but this is gonna be even better. That’s why we’re going to tell you our New Year’s Resolutions, our plans for the next 365 days. Who wants to start?, asked Jericho.

Jake Hager yelled, “Championships! Yeah!”

MJF said, “I’ll take it from here. If I had to say anything off the top of my head, I would say just continuing to strengthen these bonds I have between all these men in the ring. And also fat people—they gotta go. I think we can all agree on that.”

Ortiz was next: “I would say perfecting some of my grandma’s recipes.”

“Let me go out on a limb and give you my New Year’s Resolution for 2021. I think this is the year that Chris Jericho and MJF are gonna win the AEW Tag Team Championships of the world,” said Jericho.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up,” said Santana. “Chris, you handpicked us to be in the Inner Circle. You handpicked us to be the tag team in the Inner Circle. So what are you trying to tell us?”

“Santana, Ortiz, all respect, I know what’s going on here,” said Sammy Guevara. “You’re a little tag team slut,” said Sammy to Jericho.

The entire Inner Circle were shocked and dismayed by Sammy’s insult.

“Chris, we were Le Sex Gods, what’s going on? I saw you with Snoop Dogg last week. Are you going to team with him next?” asked Sammy.

“All Chris is trying to do is his job, man. So much hostility,” said MJF to Sammy.

“Shut up Max!” said Sammy.

“Listen, guys, we’re all top level professionals here. We’re huge stars, tremendous athletes, sexy hooligans. Any one of us could team with the other and win the AEW Tag Team Championships. But much like Big Jake and Big Wardlow did last week, they got rid of some steam, they got rid of some animosity, I think we should do the same. Listen, for bragging rights, check this out: next week live on DYNAMITE, first-time ever, a three-way match to decide who is going to be the official tag team of the Inner Circle. And I think it’s gonna be MJF and Jericho,” said the Demo-God.

“Y’all real funny. I think it’s gonna be Santana and Ortiz,” replied Santana.

“And again I’m gonna have to disagree with everybody because it’s gonna be Sammy and Hager,” said Sammy.

“Championships, yeah!” replied Hager.

“At the end of the day, whatever happens after this exhibition match, we’re still all family, we’re still the Inner Circle, nothing can break us up. We are the Inner Circle and we’re better than you, and you know it,” said MJF.

Alex Marvez was backstage to interview the Dark Order.

“Evil Uno, a lot of folks wondering what is next for your group,” said Marvez.

“I think in the future everything we do is in Mr. Brodie Lee’s name. We have to be better people. And it starts next week when ‘Hangman’ Adam Page teams with the Dark Order,” replied Evil Uno.

“Hangman” Page was pulled into the circle and was poured a refill on his drink.

“When are you gonna let us know if you’re joining the Dark Order?” asked Alex Reynolds.

“Next week after the match I’ll let you know,” said Page.

Backstage, The Elite—Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks were getting ready to go out for their match. Impact’s Don Callis was with Kenny and he told The Bucks to hold off a minute, because they deserved their own entrance, separate from Omega’s.

Up next: The Elite (?!)—AEW World Champion Kenny Omega (with Impact’s Don Callis) & The Good Brothers—Impact Wrestling World Tag Champions Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows vs. Danny LimeLight & the Varsity Blondes— Brian Pillman, Jr. & Griff Garrison!

Before AEW ring announcer Justin Roberts could introduce The Young Bucks, Don Callis called out tag champs and “Kenny’s best friends”—The Good Brothers!

The Bucks were seen standing backstage with Tony Khan, outraged by Don Callis’ audible.

“This is a charade is what this is. A complete charade,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Man, somebody’s getting awfully manipulated here with this deal,” replied Jim Ross.

“Well it seems like The Young Bucks weren’t in on it either,” added Excalibur.

Omega and The Good Brothers charged at the competition! Omega worked over Danny LimeLight in the corner turnbuckles while The Good Brothers mugged Garrison and Pillman on the arena floor. Gallows teed off on Pillman, Jr.

“They set up The Young Bucks. We all saw it, The Young Bucks agreed to form together a week ago and then they pulled this on The Young Bucks—the World Tag Team Champions, by the way,” said Schiavone.

Danny LimeLight jumped off the middle rope with an arm drag and then a dropkick to Omega. Gallows interfered and dropped Danny off his feet! Garrison and Pillman ran in and clotheslined Gallows over the top and out of the ring. Brian Pillman, Jr. tagged in and kicked Omega in the midsection. Garrison tagged in and worked over Omega’s arm.

“Callis likes to call himself ‘The Invisible Hand’ bringing in Gallows and Anderson to team with Omega here tonight,” noted Excalibur.

Anderson tagged in and hammered down shots on Danny LimeLight!

“Karl Anderson is just a buzzsaw is what he is,” said Tony Schiavone.

The so-called Elite squashed Danny LimeLight with a triple splash! Pillman tagged in and connected with a diving shoulder tackle on Anderson. He smacked Omega with a lariat, and then a running elbow to Doc Gallows for good measure! The Varsity Blondes used their version of a Hart Attack on Anderson for a near fall!

“Karl Anderson barely escaped on that,” said Tony Schiavone.

After Garrison missed a splash, he was triple teamed by Omega and The Good Brothers! LimeLight tagged in but he was isolated by Karl Anderson. The Good Brothers finished off Danny LimeLight with the magic killer and scored the victory!

Jon Moxley’s music hit and he approached the ring from the arena steps!

“He’s got three guys in the ring just waiting for him to make a move,” said Schiavone.

“Moxley doesn’t care about the odds,” replied Excalibur.

Mox jumped into the ring and went straight after Kenny Omega! The Good Brothers tried to peel Moxley off Omega and he began slugging it out with them, too! Finally The Elite got the better of Mox, taking the boots to him.

Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo sprinted to the ring and attacked Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, helping to even up the odds for Mox! In the ring, Moxley mounted Omega and hammered down with fists! The locker room emptied in an attempt to hold Moxley off Omega! Nobody could hold back Mox—he crashed onto Omega with a tope suicida!

The Young Bucks ran to the ring and tried to subdue Jon Moxley. As The Bucks tried to calm down Mox, the Lucha Bros superkicked Matt and Nick Jackson from behind!

“Things have absolutely broken down here in Daily’s Place!” said Excalibur.

This was followed by the DYNAMITE debut of The Waiting Room with Dr. Britt Baker!

Reba introduced Dr. Baker. The guest tonight was “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes.

Baker congratulated Cody on his huge opportunity with The Go-Big Show that airs on Thursday nights on TBS. She also congratulated Cody on the announcement of his baby. Before Cody could get one word out, Baker said she had another huge surprise guest to bring out: Jade Cargill!

“Nobody gives a damn if Brandi is pregnant,” said Jade. “Shaq and I are tired of waiting. Where is my damn opponent? Brandi should be watching me. I’m a bad ass mom. And if she ever returns, I’m gonna beat that ass.”

Jade then palm-faced Cody, shoving him back!

Red Velvet walked onto the set and Jade pushed her. Red Velvet slapped the taste out of Jade’s mouth! Jade fired back with a slap of her own! Jade and Red Velvet began to brawl and had to be pulled apart! As this was happening, Dr. Britt Baker told the production truck to roll the footage of her attacking Thunder Rosa and having the paint washed off her face!

Thunder Rosa interrupted the feed with her own video! “We all know why you like to have this talk show and that is because you and your big nose like to get into people’s business. But soon you have to do the work and wrestle me! You get to face me on DYNAMITE on February 3rd at Beach Break!”

Jurassic Express—Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy (with Luchasaurus) vs. FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood (with Tully Blanchard)!

Marko told Luchasaurus to stay in the back for this match.

Cash manhandled Marko into the corner, but Jungle Boy jumped in to even up the odds. Marko locked up with Dax, but Dax pushed Marko right back into the corner. Marko slapped Dax but Dax clobbered Marko and then suplexed him! FTR lifted Marko up by the hair and then planted him back down on the canvas head-first!

“They’re toying with him,” said Jim Ross.

Jungle Boy tagged in, hit a Manhattan drop on Cash and then Marko kicked him!

“Look at this team work,” said Schiavone.

Marko jumped through Jungle Boy’s legs to the outside, like a missile at FTR. Jungle Boy followed up with a beautiful quebrada!

“Jungle Boy has such a high wrestling IQ for being only 23 years of age,” noted Excalibur.

Cash swung Marko down hard with a double-leg spinebuster. Dax tagged in and dropped repeated elbows on Marko. Dax attempted a powerbomb but Marko rolled out and got the tag to Jungle Boy, who proceeded to clean house on FTR! Jungle Boy connected with a hurracanrana on Harwood from the top turnbuckle! Jungle Boy attempted the pin but Cash Wheeler broke it up just in the nick of time! Jungle Boy spiked Cash with a brain buster! Harwood grabbed Jungle Boy’s tights and rolled him up for a near fall!

Jungle Boy tagged in partner Marko and they used an assisted senton on Dax for a near fall! Marko went for a sliced bread but Harwood was too strong and stopped him in his tracks! Dax removed his elbow pad and wiped out Marko with a lariat! Marko evened up the odds with a low blow and then connected with a cutter! Dax kicked out and Marko spilled to the outside. As ref Paul Turner had his back turned, Tully Blanchard grabbed Marko on the arena floor and rammed him into the steel ring post! FTR finished off Marko with the Big Rig and scored the pin!

NWA Women’s World Champion Serena Deeb vs. Tay Conti (with Dark Order’s Anna “99” Jay)!

Deeb worked over Tay’s wrist but Tay reversed it. Deeb took down Tay with an arm drag and then tried for a pin after excellent mat wrestling. Tay used a back leg trip and then applied a heel hook on Deeb! Tay hurled Deeb with a Judo-style shoulder throw! Tay Conti tried for a triangle sleeper but Deeb escaped it before it was fully locked in. Deeb used a sliding lariat for a near fall!

“Serena is relentless. She doesn’t have to think about the next thing she wants to do offensively,” noted Jim Ross.

Serena was looking for the Deeb-Tox but Tay flipped her over, and then Serena countered with a roll up of her own. Conti escaped and blasted Deeb with a brutal pump kick!

After much back and forth, Deeb hooked the Deeb-Tox finisher and pinned Conti!

“That’s a hell of a match” said Tony Schiavone.

“A tremendously hard fought match. Serena Deeb retained the NWA Women’s World Championship but Tay Conti hung with her right to the bitter end,” replied Excalibur.

It was main event time!

Defending his title for the first time—TNT Champion Darby Allin vs. FTW Champ “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match. Hook and “Absolute” Ricky Starks were ringside, and it was noted that Tony Khan wouldn’t allow any additional members of Team Taz out there.

Darby Allin charged Cage when the bell sounded and used a dropkick to take the challenger off his feet! Darby rushed again, diving from inside to Cage outside, and then ramming Cage’s head into the barricade!

“Darby Allin taking the fight directly to The Machine,” said Excalibur.

Darby attempted a tope but Cage caught him! Cage planted Darby on the outside with a vertical suplex!

“The FTW Champion is fixing to be the new TNT Champion,” said Taz.

Back in the ring, Cage used a short-arm clothesline on Darby. Cage press-slammed Darby from the ring to the outside! Darby was sent flying and crashed through a table! Darby was gashed open, bleeding from the top of his head.

“That table imploded but so did Darby Allin’s body!” said Jim Ross.

Cage hoisted Darby up in a vertical suplex-like hold, carried him up the ring steps, onto the ramp, and then hurled him back into the ring!

“I’m not sure how much more our champ can take,” wondered Excalibur.

Cage used a running uppercut and then a released German suplex on Darby! Cage threw Darby halfway across the ring, right into the turnbuckles! He did it a second time and then Cage dropped closed fists on Darby’s busted open head. The blood mixed with the face paint on Darby!

Brian Cage rag dolled Darby with three consecutive powerbombs! Darby Allin looked up at Cage and flipped him the middle finger!

“Darby Allin will not quit!” said Excalibur.

Cage picked up Darby and used a running powerbomb, with Darby crashing onto the entrance ramp! Darby flipped off Cage again! Cage suplexed Darby back into the ring. Cage tried for the pin and Darby kicked out at the one-count!

Brian Cage maneuvered the massive steel steps on the outside of the ring, positioning them toward the center, parallel with the ring apron. Cage picked up Darby on the apron, but Darby fired off some elbows into Cage’s jaw. Darby bit Cage’s hand and Cage fell backwards directly onto the ring steps! Darby followed up with a coffin drop on Cage on the steel steps!

“What the hell did I just see?” asked Tony Schiavone.

“Tony, you just saw Darby even the odds with Brian Cage,” replied Excalibur.

Back in the ring, Cage caught Darby and squeezed him in a bear hug. Darby bit on Cage’s head, forcing Cage to release the TNT Champ! Darby hit a stunner on Cage, and then dropped through, tying up Cage’s legs with his leather belt! Darby surprised Cage with a Code Red but Cage kicked out at two! Darby sent Cage flying into the corner with a shotgun dropkick! Darby hit a double foot stomp on Cage! Hook distracted the ref, and as Darby was on the top turnbuckle, Ricky Starks knocked Darby down!

The arena lights went dark! When the power turned back on, Sting was standing behind Starks on the ramp! Sting swung the bat at Starks and wasted him with two shots! Sting evened up the odds! Darby hooked Cage with the crucifix bomb and pinned him for the three-count!

Team Taz regrouped on the rampway. Sting entered the ring and it began to snow!

“I’m afraid that not only is Darby Allin still in the sights of Team Taz but Sting is in their sights as well, one would think now,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Big bullseyes on the chest of these two men, no doubt. Tonight belonged to Darby Allin and at the end of the day, Sting made sure it went down that way,” replied Jim Ross.

Be sure to join us next week for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast live on TNT!


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